Memory Lane Приложения

Dragonfly Live Wallpaper 1.6
Memory Lane
Install this Dragonfly live wallpaper andenjoy the flight of the dragonfly!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the wings beat at the dragonfly flies!+ Perfect for people who focus on living in the moment like adragonfly and love bees and butterflies!+ A dragonfly is an insect belonging to the suborder Anisoptera. Itis characterized by large multifaceted eyes, two pairs of strongtransparent wings, sometimes with colored patches, and an elongatedbody.
Ghost Pirate Live Wallpaper 1.9
Memory Lane
Want to be a real pirate? Get this livewallpaper and have fun with your skeleton ghost pirate shipmates!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the Jolly Roger gunsmoke swirls and windshakes the pirate skeleton ghost!+ Pirates are cool. Skeleton ghost pirates are even cooler!+ Jolly Roger is the name for the skull and crossbones flags flownto identify a pirate ship about to attack!
Pink Butterfly Live Wallpaper 1.7
Memory Lane
Happy Live Wallpapers with Butterfly power!Flutter with your friends!+ Just install the app and choose your pretty butterfly livewallpaper! You can change the speed the butterflies flutter,sparkle and glitter!+ Hundreds of butterflies, flowers, pink images, and girly livewallpapers. Pink sparkling butterflies to make you lucky, carefreeand cheerful!+ Set sweet sounds effects for you to play and use!+ Enjoy feeling upbeat with a butterfly in pink, or any colour!Because of the destruction of forests and grasslands, some types ofbutterflies have nowhere to feed and lay eggs. To help, some peopleplant a butterfly garden with flowers having lots of nectar forbutterflies to feed on!
Betty Boop Live Wallpaper 2.1
Memory Lane
The fabulous Betty Boop is as demure andsensual as ever in this sweet and saucy live wallpaper!Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper. You can evenadjust the speed that her lipstick kisses appear!The Betty Boop cartoon character first appeared in the Talkartoonand Betty Boop film series by Paramount Pictures. She has also beenfeatured in comic strips. She's a vintage kitsch caricature of aJazz age flapper. Flappers were young Western women in the 1920swho wore short skirts, bobbed hair, listened to jazz, and flauntedtheir disdain for what was then considered acceptablebehaviour.Flappers were seen as brash for wearing excessive makeup, drinking,treating sex in a casual manner, smoking, driving automobiles, andotherwise flouting social and sexual norms. Flappers had theirorigins in the liberal period of the Roaring Twenties, the social,political turbulence and increased transatlantic cultural exchangethat followed the end of World War I, as well as the export ofAmerican jazz culture to Europe. Betty Boop was a flapper that worea revealing dress that displayed her curvaceous burlesquefigure.Please note that this image, as much of Betty Boop is now publicdomain and may be legally used for commercial products. This is foryour personal use only. We own the right to give you permission toenjoy this fun vintage live wallpaper.
Nymph Live Wallpaper 1.4
Memory Lane
Install this Nymph live wallpaper and enjoythe beauty of the Nymph!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed that the magic dew drops sparkle!+ Perfect for people who appreciate fairy tale creatures likemermaids, pixies, selkies, sirens and Nymphs!+ A nymph in Greek mythology and in Latin mythology is a minorfemale nature deity typically associated with a particular locationor landform. Different from other goddesses, nymphs are generallyregarded as divine spirits who animate nature, and are usuallydepicted as beautiful, young nubile maidens who love to dance andsing; their amorous freedom sets them apart from the restricted andchaste wives and daughters of the Greek polis. They are believed todwell in mountains and groves, by springs and rivers, and also intrees and in valleys and cool grottoes. Although they would neverdie of old age nor illness, and could give birth to fully immortalchildren if mated to a god, they themselves were not necessarilyimmortal, and could be beholden to death in various forms.Charybdis and Scylla were once nymphs.
Snake Skull Live Wallpaper 1.4
Memory Lane
Install this Snake Skull live wallpaper andenjoy the haunting art of the snake skull!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed of the snake scales shimmering+ Perfect for people who appreciate snakes, serpents, andskulls!+ Facts! Snakes are elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of thesuborder Serpentes that can be distinguished from legless lizardsby their lack of eyelids and external ears. Like all squamates,snakes are ectothermic, amniotevertebrates covered in overlappingscales. The skull is a bony structure in the head of mostvertebrates (in particular,craniates) that supports the structuresof the face and forms a protective cavity for the brain. The skullis composed of two parts: the cranium and the mandible. The skullforms the anterior most portion of the skeleton and is a product ofencephalization, housing the brain, many sensory structures (eyes,ears, nasal cavity), and the feeding system.
Wet Feet Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Free cute wet feet live wallpaper! Tickle toesand cute feet fun!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the feet splash in the water!+ Feet are fun! These will not leave wet footprints!+ Many animals have feet, and there are many different sorts offoot. The hard foot of an undulate is a hoof. When an animal hassoft feet, or feet with soft parts on the underside, we often callit a paw. In many societies, people like to cover the foot whenthey are with others, especially outside. In many cultures peoplewear clothing over the feet to keep them safe.People have different traditions in different parts of the worldfor when to wear footwear. In much of Europe and Canada, peopleusually do not wear their shoes or boots in a home or visiting. Inthe United States people often wear shoes inside a home. Notwearing shoes can be good for the feet, especially for children'sfeet.
Skull Rider Live Wallpaper 1.7
Memory Lane
Install this Skull Rider live wallpaper andride shotgun with Skull Rider!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed of the fire around the ghost Skull Rider,and his glistening chains!+ Perfect for people who appreciate a supernatural superhero,ghosts, fire, biking and riding!+ Skull Rider is a ghost motorcyclist. He sold his soul to become ahellraiser, fighting Blackheart, the son of the devil himself!+ Hundreds of ghost scenes, skull images, motorbikes, shotgun bikerand fire scenes to choose from as live wallpapers.+ Skull Rider Ghost power to keep things awesome!
Kiss Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this live wallpaper and enjoy theromantic kiss!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed of the rain and lightning in the romantickissing scene!+ Perfect for people who appreciate kissing, love and romance inthe rain!+ Fact! A kiss is the touch or pressing of one's lips againstanother person or an object. Cultural connotations of kissing varywidely. Depending on the culture and context, a kiss can expresssentiments of love, passion, romance, sexual attraction, sexualactivity, sexual arousal, affection, respect, greeting, friendship,peace and good luck, among many others.
Taj Mahal Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Just imagine how beautiful your phone is goingto look! The world's most famous scene. Famously visited byPrincess Diana.+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can even change the speed the water ripples.+ Instant Indian look. This live wallpaper is perfect for touristsor patriots of India.Facts: The Taj Mahal takes on different colouring at differenttimes of the day, from a pink hue in the morning, milky white inthe evening and golden at night when lit by the moon. They say thechanging colour resembles the changing mood of females - inparticular the Emperor's queen!
Violin Rainbow Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
This is the most eye catching violin livewallpaper! It's neon, fire smoke rainbow colors are going to lookamazing on your phone.+ Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper! You canchange the speed the neon fire rainbow smoke curls around theviolin!+ You don't need to know how to play violin!+ The violin is sometimes called a “fiddle”. Someone who plays itis a “fiddler”. There is even a verb, to “fiddle", which means “toplay the fiddle”. This word can be used as a nickname for theviolin. Rainbows are popular symbols that can mean peace andharmony. In the Book of Genesis it's a symbol of God's promise notto flood the world again. Rainbows are also used as symbols of gaypride.
Da Vinci Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this Da Vinci live wallpaper and enjoythe facial expressions of the genius!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed of the 3D effect movement of Leonardo daVinci!+ Perfect for people who appreciate the painter, sculptor,architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist,artist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer Leonardo daVinci!+ Facts: Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian polymath, He is widelyconsidered to be one of the greatest painters of all time.According to art historian Helen Gardner, the scope and depth ofhis interests were without precedent and "his mind and personalityseem to us superhuman, the man himself mysterious and remote.
Atom Live Wallpaper 1.4
Memory Lane
Install this Atom live wallpaper and enjoy theconcept of the atom!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed of the atomic cycle!+ Perfect for people who appreciate chemistry, particles, moleculesand physics!+ Facts: An atom is the smallest constituent unit of ordinarymatter that has the properties of a chemical element. Every solid,liquid, gas, and plasma is made up of neutral or ionized atoms.Atoms are very small; typical sizes are around 100 pm (aten-billionth of a meter, in the short scale). However, atoms donot have well defined boundaries, and there are different ways todefine their size which give different but close values.
Neon Tiger Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this awesome live wallpaper and enjoythe neon tiger!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed of body movement!+ Perfect for people who appreciate glowing colors, big cat speciesand tigers!+ Facts! The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species,reaching a total body length of up to 3.38 m (11.1 ft) over curvesand exceptionally weighing up to 388.7 kg (857 lb) in the wild. Itsmost recognisable feature is a pattern of dark vertical stripes onreddish-orange fur with a lighter underside.
Grim Reaper Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this very creepy live wallpaper andenjoy the depiction of death as a grim reaper!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the spooky grim reaper moves his eyes!+ Perfect for people who appreciate the grim reaper and angels ofdeath.+ Facts! The Grim Reaper is a personification of death. Death as apersonified force has been imagined in many different ways. Thepopular depiction of Death as a skeletal figure carrying a largescythe and clothed in a black cloak with a hood first arose in 15thcentury England, while the title "the Grim Reaper" is firstattested in 1847.
Bamboo Live Wallpaper 1.2
Memory Lane
Install this Bamboo live wallpaper and enjoythe peaceful scene and beautiful green color of bamboo!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed of the water flow and leaves around thebamboo.+ Perfect for people who appreciate zen, mindfulness, andbamboo.+ Bamboo (Bambuseae) is a tribe of flowering perennial evergreenplants in the grass family Poaceae, subfamily Bambusoideae, tribeBambuseae; although, the forestry services and departments of manycountries where bamboo is utilized as a building material considerbamboo to be a forestry product, and it is specifically harvestedas a tree exclusively for the wood it produces, which in many waysis a wood superior in strength and resilience to other natural,fibrous building materials.
Lion Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this Lion live wallpaper and enjoy thebeautiful lion!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed of the desert birds and the roaring of thelion!+ Perfect for people who appreciates lions, tigers, cats and theplains of Africa!+ Fact! The lion is the second-largest living cat after thetiger.
Penguin Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this funny wallpaper and enjoy thepenguin waddling!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the penguin waddles along thelandscape.+ Perfect for people who appreciate penguins, water species andflightless birds!+ Facts! Penguins (order Sphenisciformes, family Spheniscidae) area group of aquatic, flightless birds living almost exclusively inthe Southern Hemisphere, especially in Antarctica. Highly adaptedfor life in the water, penguins have counter shaded dark and whiteplumage, and their wings have evolved into flippers.
Playful Cat Live Wallpaper 1.4
Memory Lane
Install this Playful Cat live wallpaper andenjoy the interesting play of the cat!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed of the floating balls and the cat'sattempt at swiping them!+ Perfect for people who appreciate cats, playfulness, having funwith animals!+ A Playful Cat is one that always likes to have fun, often thecenter of one’s attention.... they like to laugh and make otherslaugh. A playful cat is a very special kind of friend. A playfulcat may also be a little on the frisky side.
Polar Bear Live Wallpaper 1.4
Memory Lane
Install this touching live wallpaper and enjoythe polar bear scene!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed of snow falls and twinkles on the polarbear's nose!+ Perfect for people who appreciate polar bears, carnivorous bearsand polar animals!+ Facts! The polar bear is a carnivorous bear whose native rangelies largely within the Arctic Circle, encompassing the ArcticOcean, its surrounding seas and surrounding land masses. It is alarge bear, approximately the same size as the omnivorous Kodiakbear (Ursus arctos middendorffi).
City Night Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this smart live wallpaper and enjoythe beautiful night in city!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the water and light ripples!+ Perfect for people who appreciate nights, cities, cityscapes andcity lights.+ Facts! A city is a large and permanent human settlement. Althoughthere is no agreement on how a city is distinguished from a town ingeneral English language meanings, many cities have a particularadministrative, legal, or historical status based on local law.
Raindrops Live Wallpaper 1.4
Memory Lane
Install this live wallpaper and enjoy thebeautiful raindrops falling onto you!!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the raindrops fall!+ Perfect for people who appreciate rain, raindrops andweather!+ When the Sun heats the Earth's surface, the ground heats the airabove it. This air rises and cools. When it cools to the dew point,clouds form and rain follows. This type of rainfall often causessummer showers and thunderstorm
Steam Train Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Choo Choo! Enjoy this live wallpaper and theold time with steam train!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed of the steam from the train!+ Perfect for people who appreciates steam locomotives, railwaylocomotives and steam engines!+ A steam locomotive is a railway locomotive that produces itspulling power through a steam engine. These locomotives are fuelledby burning combustible material—usually coal, wood, or oil—toproduce steam in a boiler.
Shooting Star Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this beautiful live wallpaper andenjoy the shooting star!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed of the shooting star!+ Perfect for people who appreciate shooting stars, meteoroids andgalaxies!+ Facts! Shooting star is a common name for the visible path of ameteoroid as it enters the atmosphere, becoming a meteor. Shootingstar may also refer to: Depending on the definition, ahigh-velocity star is a star moving faster than 65 km/s to 100 km/srelative to the average motion of the stars in the Sun'sneighborhood. The velocity is also sometimes defined as supersonicrelative to the surrounding interstellar medium.
Skulls Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this awesome live wallpaper and enjoythe cool skulls!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the skulls animate!+ Perfect for people who appreciate skulls, biker gangs andskeletons!+ Facts! The skull is a bony structure in the head of mostvertebrates (in particular, craniates) that supports the structuresof the face and forms a protective cavity or the brain.
Turkish Flag Live Wallpaper 1.4
Memory Lane
Install this awesome live wallpaper and enjoythe red Turkish flag!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the turkish flag waves!+ Perfect for people who appreciate Turkey, the Turkish flag andthe red flags!+ The flag of Turkey (Turkish) is a red flag featuring a white starand crescent. The flag is often called al bayrak (the red flag) andreferred to as al sancak (the red banner) in the Turkish nationalanthem. The current design of the Turkish flag is directly derivedfrom the late Ottoman flag, which had acquired its final form in1844.
Sparrow Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this wild live wallpaper and enjoy thecute sparrow!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the sparrow animates!+ Perfect for people who appreciate sparrows, birds and flyingspecies!+ Sparrows are a family of small passerine birds, Passeridae. Theyare also known as true sparrows, or Old World sparrows, names alsoused for a particular genus of the family, Passer.
Zebra Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this live wallpaper and show you lovethe zebras!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the zebra moves his ears and tail!+ Perfect for people who appreciate zebras, horses and donkeys!+ Zebras are several species of African equids(horse family) unitedby their distinctive black and white striped coats. Their stripescome in different patterns, unique to each individual. They aregenerally social animals that live in small harems to large herds.Unlike their closest relatives, horses and donkeys, zebras havenever been truly domesticated.
White Tiger Live Wallpaper 1.4
Memory Lane
Install this live wallpaper and show you likeWhite Tigers!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed of the white tiger animates in hissurroundings!+ Perfect for people who appreciate white tigers, leopards andjaguars!+ The White tiger is a pigmentation variant of the Bengal tiger,which is reported in the wild from time to time in the Indianstates of Assam,Bengal, Bihar, Sunderbans and especially in theformer State of Rewa.
Waterfall Live Wallpaper 1.4
Memory Lane
Install this live wallpaper and show you likewaterfalls!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the waterfall flows!+ Perfect for people who appreciate nature, waterfalls andstreams!+ A waterfall is a place where water flows over a vertical drop inthe course of a stream or river. Waterfalls also occur where meltwater drops over the edge of a tabular iceberg or ice shelf.
Toad Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this cool live wallpaper and enjoy theawesome toad!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the grumpy toad breathes!+ Perfect for people who appreciate toads, frogs and waterreptiles!+ Fact! A toad is any of a number of species of amphibians in theorder Anura (frogs) that are characterized by dry, leathery skin,short legs, and parotoid glands.
Wild Chameleon Live Wallpaper 1.4
Memory Lane
Install this live wallpaper and show you likechameleons!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the chameleon chews!!+ Perfect for people who appreciate chameleons, lizards and wildspecies!+ Chameleons or chamaeleons (family Chamaeleonidae) are adistinctive and highly specialized clade of old world lizards with202 species described as of June 2015. These species come in arange of colours, and many species have the ability to changecolours.
Volcano Live Wallpaper 1.4
Memory Lane
Install this Volcano live wallpaper and showyou like live volcanoes!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the volcano animates and moves!+ Perfect for people who appreciate volcanos, lava andruptures!+ A volcano is a rupture on the crust of a planetary-mass object,such as Earth, that allows hot lava, volcanic ash, and gases toescape from a magma chamber below the surface.
Tulips Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this fresh live wallpaper and enjoythe beautiful tulips!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the tulips glisten!+ Perfect for people who appreciate tulips, roses and flowers!+ The tulip is a Eurasian and North African genus of perennial,bulbous plants in the lily family. It is an herbaceous herb withshowy flowers, of which around 75 wild species are currentlyaccepted.
Tropical Fish Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this glorious live wallpaper and enjoythe beautiful tropical fish!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the bubbles, water and tropical fishanimate!!+ Perfect for people who appreciate tropical fish, andaquariums!+ Tropical fish are generally those fish found in aquatic tropicalenvironments around the world, including both freshwater and saltwater species. Fish keepers often keep tropical fish in freshwaterand saltwater aquariums.
Sound Reel Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this stylish live wallpaper and enjoythe audio reel!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed of the audio reel animation!+ Perfect for people who appreciate music, audio recording andreels!+ Facts! Sound Reel refers to Reel-to-reel/open-reel [audio] taperecording is the form of magnetic tape audio recording in which therecording medium is held on a reel, rather than being securelycontained within a cassette.
Color Splash Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this colourful live wallpaper andenjoy the beautiful splash!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the splash animates+ Perfect for people who appreciates splashes, fluid mechanics andwater!+ In fluid mechanics, a splash is a sudden disturbance to theotherwise quiescent free surface of a liquid (usually water). Thedisturbance is typically caused by a solid object suddenly hittingthe surface, although splashes can occur in which moving liquidsupplies the energy.
Vintage Art Live Wallpaper 1.4
Memory Lane
Install this live wallpaper and show you enjoyvintage art!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed of the vintage art animates the womanwalking!+ Perfect for people who appreciate vintage art, antiques and finequality!+ Vintage items typically exhibit the best of certain qualities ofa time period or era. It is a term that is often thrown around andoften used incorrectly. Some people like to use vintage as a termfor something that is not very old at all, such as records, orvideo cassettes. It is thought that items less than 20 years oldare not classified as vintage. With vintage items you should beable to look at them and recognize the year or era quickly to whichit is associated.
Tower Bridge Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this British Live wallpaper and enjoythe beautiful night view of London's tower bridge!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the water flows under London's TowerBridge+ Perfect for people who appreciate Tower Bridge, London, and GreatBritain!+ Tower Bridge (built 1886–1894) is a combined bascule andsuspension bridge in London. The bridge crosses the River Thamesclose to the Tower of London and has become an iconic symbol ofLondon.
Sky Angel Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this gorgeous live wallpaper and enjoythe beautiful sky angel!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the sky angel's wings, dress and cloudsmove!+ Perfect for people who appreciate heaven, angels and guardianspirits!+ Facts! An angel is a supernatural being or spirit found invarious religions and mythologies. In Abrahamic religions andZoroastrianism, angels are often depicted as benevolent celestialbeings who act as intermediaries between God or Heaven and Earth,or as guardian spirits or a guiding influence.
Poppy Field Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Get this poppy field live wallpaper now andenjoy the glory of the delicate flower under the moody sky.+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the purple sky clouds move over thepoppies+ Perfect for people who appreciate poppies, flowers, fields andgardening.+ Facts! A poppy is a flowering plant in the subfamilyPaperveroideae. The name is used especially for the bright redflowers which are common in this group. The are symbolic, and usedto remember the Armistice Day of World War I, now known asRemembrance Day. Now it is celebrated in the Commonwealth for thosewho died in all wars.
Bonfire Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this Bonfire live wallpaper and enjoyany celebration with a bonfire!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed of the fire!+ Perfect for people who appreciate bonfire, bonfire night,celebrations and traditions!+ Facts: A bonfire is a large but controlled outdoor fire, usedeither for informal disposal of burnable waste material or as partof a celebration. The name "bonfire" is derived from the fact thatbonfires were originally fires in which bones were burned.
Wolf Tribe Live Wallpaper 1.7
Memory Lane
Become part of the tribe and allow your dreamsto run wild in the pack with the mystic power of the wolf and magicdream catcher!+ Tribal Native American Cherokee symbolism of the wolf to empoweryour spirit!+ Just install the app and choose or set your Native IndianCherokee Wolf Tribe live wallpaper! You can change the speed thedreamcatcher sways in the wind, and your sky moves behind yourwolf.+ Hundreds of wolf scenes, tribe images, Cherokee wolves, NativeAmerican and Indian scenes to choose from.+ Set wolf sound effects as your notification sounds!+ Enjoy your tribal vision quest with the wolf dream catcher!+ The wolf offers some of the most striking animal meanings in therealm of spirit animals. The power of the wolf brings forthinstinct, intelligence, appetite for freedom, and awareness of theimportance of social connections. When the wolf shows up in yourlife, pay attention to what your intuition is telling you.Fun facts! In some Native American cultures, a dream catcher, ordream catcher; is a handmade object based on a willow hoop, onwhich is woven a loose net or web. The dream catcher is thendecorated with sacred items such as feathers and beads.
Storm Wolf Live Wallpaper 1.4
Memory Lane
Install this Storm Wolf live wallpaper andenjoy the noble storm wolf wisdom!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the storm weather howls around thewolf!+ Perfect for people who appreciate wild animals, hunting, hounds,dogs, and nature!+ Facts! A storm is any disturbed state of an environment orastronomical body's atmosphere especially affecting its surface,and strongly implying severe weather. It may be marked bysignificant disruptions to normal conditions such as strong wind,hail, thunder and lightning (a thunderstorm), heavy precipitation(snowstorm, rainstorm), heavy freezing (ice storm), strong winds(tropical cyclone, windstorm), or wind transporting some substancethrough the atmosphere as in a dust storm, blizzard, sandstorm,etc. The wolf (Canis lupus arctos), also known as the MelvilleIsland wolf is a possible subspecies of gray wolf native to theCanadian Arctic Archipelago, from Melville to Ellesmere Island.
Crystal Skull Live Wallpaper 1.4
Memory Lane
Curious? Get the best Crystal Skull LiveWallpaper!+ Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper! You canchange the speed the crystal skull prism changes colour!+ This crystal skull has mysterious origins!+ The crystal skulls are skull hardstone carvings made of clear ormilky white quartz, known as "rock crystal". Some believe crystalskulls with mystical powers figure in Mesoamerican and other NativeAmerican mythologies and spiritual accounts. The skulls are oftenclaimed to exhibit paranormal phenomena by some members of the NewAge movement, and have often been portrayed as such in fiction.Crystal skulls have been a popular subject appearing in numeroussci-fi television series, novels, films, and video games.
Ice Tiger Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this Ice Tiger live wallpaper andenjoy the beautiful winter scene.+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the tiger breathes and icy waterflows!+ Perfect for people who appreciate ice, big cats and tigers!+ Facts! Ice is water, frozen into a solid state. Depending on thepresence of impurities such as particles of soil or bubbles of air,it can appear transparent or a more or less opaque bluish-whitecolour. The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species,reaching a total body length of up to 3.38 m (11.1 ft) over curvesand exceptionally weighing up to 388.7 kg (857 lb) in the wild. Itsmost recognisable feature is a pattern of dark vertical stripes onreddish-orange fur with a lighter underside.
Virgin Mary Live Wallpaper 1.5
Memory Lane
Let Virgin Mary shine in this live wallpaper.The shrine really glitters! Perfect for daily worship, or to enjoythe look.Simple application - Just install the app and set as your livewallpaper! You can change the speed that the Virgin Mary shrineglittersMary is known by many different titles! Blessed Mother, Virgin,Madonna, Our Lady, Star of the Sea, Queen of Heaven, Cause of OurJoy, invocations Theotokos, Panagia, Mother of Mercy and othersdyof Guadalupe. These all refer to the same individual named Mary,the mother of Jesus Christ. Some churches, like the Catholic Churchcreate a Shrine to the Virgin Mary or Marian shrine. Such localesare often the destination of pilgrimages.
Clown Bomb Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Install this Clown Explosion live wallpaperand enjoy the crazy artistic clown explosion!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed of the clown bomb cloud!+ Perfect for people who appreciate clowns, fools, artists, circus,smoke and explosion!+ Facts: A clown is a comic performer who employs slapstick orsimilar types of physical humor, often in a mime style. Clowns havea varied tradition with significant variations in costume andperformance. The most recognizable clowns are those that commonlywear outlandish costumes featuring distinctive makeup, colorfulwigs, exaggerated footwear, and colorful clothing. Theirentertainment style is generally designed to entertain largeaudiences, especially at a distance. An explosion is a rapidincrease in volume and release of energy in an extreme manner,usually with the generation of high temperatures and the release ofgases. Supersonic explosions created by high explosives are knownas detonations and travel via supersonic shock waves.
Owl Chick Live Wallpaper 1.4
Memory Lane
Install this cute live wallpaper and enjoy thecute owl chick!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the owl chick breathes as the leavesmove!+ Perfect for people who appreciate Owls, chicks and birds!+ Fact! Owls are birds from the order Strigiformes, which includesabout 200 species of mostly solitary and nocturnal birds of preytypified by an upright stance, a large, broad head, binocularvision, binaural hearing and feathers adapted for silent flight.Exceptions include the diurnal northern hawk-owl and the gregariousburrowing owl. A chick is a bird that has not yet reachedadulthood.
Best Eagle Live Wallpaper 1.3
Memory Lane
Would you like to fly with an eagle? As youwish! The Best Eagle Live Wallpaper!+ Simple app: Just install the app and set as your live wallpaper!You can change the speed the wind blows through the feathers andeagles fly.+ The bald eagle is the true spirit of freedom.+ The bald eagle is a bird of prey that lives in America. It is thenational bird of the United States of America. The bald eagle is akind of sea eagle. It can be found in most of Canada, all of theUnited States, and the northern part of Mexico. It is called baldbecause of its white head and neck.